The Healthcare Revolution: Beyond Buzzwords & Back to Care

BearingOn.Health Original Contribution

February 2024

by Jamey Edwards

In the fast-paced world of healthcare, the term "innovation" is thrown around like confetti at a celebration. But what does real innovation in healthcare look like beyond the buzzwords and flashy technologies? As we step into 2024, it's time to strip away the hype and focus on the transformative changes that are reshaping the landscape of patient care.

Care Models Over Gadgets: The True Essence of Innovation

Let's cut to the chase – real innovation in healthcare isn't just about shiny objects and cutting-edge technologies. It's about redefining care models, reshaping the patient experience, and ensuring that technology doesn't overshadow the human touch. The true measure of success lies in how these technologies seamlessly integrate into the healthcare system, enabling better care, enhancing patient outcomes, and making healthcare accessible to all. 

In fact, one thing I was excited most about last year was the formation of Risant Health. Risant Health is a nonprofit created by Kaiser Permanente to improve patient care and increase access to quality care.  This creates an opportunity to see if what has worked well for Kaiser Permanente, a payvider that owns the patient experience from end to end, could work well in the broader community. 

Statistics don't lie, and they tell a compelling story. According to recent studies, healthcare innovations that prioritize care models over standalone technologies have shown a significant impact on patient satisfaction and outcomes. It's not about having the most advanced gadget; it's about using technology to empower healthcare professionals at the frontline, where it matters most.

The Looming Crisis: Physician and Nurse Shortages

As we revel in the advancements of modern medicine, a dark cloud hovers over the healthcare industry – the growing shortage of physicians and nurses. It's not just a problem; it's a national crisis. 

The long hours, burnout, and administrative burdens have taken a toll on the once noble and fulfilling profession of healthcare. According to The American Medical Association, half of practicing physicians are reporting burnout in 2023 and about 40% of practicing physicians have plans to leave their current roles

Bottomline: While burnout fell from its all-time high in 2021, it is a problem that is not going away.

To restore the joy of calling back to medicine, we must address the root causes of this crisis. It's time to reinvent the healthcare profession, making it an attractive and compelling career field once again. Innovative care models and better UI/UX design of healthcare technology tools can play a pivotal role in reducing the burden on healthcare professionals. These models can help create a better working environment, and allow them to focus on what truly matters – providing quality care to patients.

Predictions for 2024: A Glimpse into the Future

Looking ahead, what can we expect from healthcare in 2024? The answer lies in a renewed focus on human-centric care models, leveraging technology to streamline processes and improve patient outcomes. 

Telemedicine will continue to evolve, breaking down geographical barriers and providing healthcare access to underserved populations. Addressing health equity and social determinants of health has become a strategic priority at every major health system and health plan.

However, the real disruptors on the horizon are artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs). These technologies are not just buzzwords; they are becoming integral parts of healthcare delivery. From personalized treatment plans to predictive analytics, AI and LLMs are transforming the way we diagnose, treat, and manage diseases.

Tech Trends: Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff

In the ever-evolving tech landscape, not all innovations are created equal. While 3D printing, blockchain, and other technologies promised groundbreaking changes, the pace of excitement and adoption has slowed. The real frontrunners are AI and LLMs, stealing the spotlight with their ability to analyze vast amounts of data and provide insights that were once unimaginable.

As we navigate through this tech-driven era, it's crucial to discern between the game-changers and the mere distractions. Let's not be swayed by Shiny Object Syndrome and the glitz and glamour of the latest gadgets; instead, we should focus on technologies that drive real impact at the point of care and support healthcare’s quadruple bottom line.

In conclusion, the future of healthcare lies in our ability to prioritize care models over gadgets, address the looming shortage of healthcare professionals, and embrace technologies that genuinely enhance patient outcomes. As we step into 2024, challenging the status quo, provoking thought, and paving the way for a healthcare revolution can put the "care" back in healthcare.

About Jamey Edwards

Jamey has dedicated the last two decades to his mission to humanize healthcare as a serial social impact entrepreneur. He is currently the President and Chief Strategy Officer for Koko Home, a Khosla Ventures-backed company developing radar-driven, AI-enabled solutions aimed at creating care communities that help our rapidly aging population live healthier, independent, and more connected lives.  

Prior to Koko, Jamey was the Chief Platform Officer at StartUp Health, the world’s leading digital health innovation eco-system including over 400 companies globally across 15 different moonshots where he is still an Entrepreneur in Residence. Before StartUp Health, Jamey was the CEO and Co-Founder of Cloudbreak Health, a pioneering health equity solutions platform used in over 3,000 healthcare venues nationwide that gives a voice at the point of care to their Limited English Proficient and Deaf patients via its telemedicine platform. Previous to Cloudbreak, Jamey was the CEO of Emergent Medical Associates, a leading ER, Hospitalist, and Anesthesia group in Southern California caring for over 1mm patients per year, where he remains a member of the board. 

You can engage with Jamey on LinkedIn, Twitter (X) and Instagram

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